Dr Kemi
Dr. Kemi Fabusiwa is not your typical NHS doctor. With a passion for healing skin and a knack for social media, she's become the go-to guru for all those embarrassing skin and body complaints you're too shy to ask about your own doctor about.
Her candid, approachable style and in-depth medical knowledge have earned her a loyal online following. By day, she's in the clinic, solving complex skin cases. By night, she's on Instagram, debunking skin myths and sharing realistic, effective skincare tips. Dr. Kemi is on a mission to make skin health less intimidating and more accessible for everyone.
Dr Kemi
Dr. Kemi Fabusiwa is not your typical NHS doctor. With a passion for healing skin and a knack for social media, she's become the go-to guru for all those embarrassing skin and body complaints you're too shy to ask about your own doctor about.
Her candid, approachable style and in-depth medical knowledge have earned her a loyal online following. By day, she's in the clinic, solving complex skin cases. By night, she's on Instagram, debunking skin myths and sharing realistic, effective skincare tips. Dr. Kemi is on a mission to make skin health less intimidating and more accessible for everyone.